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Po Box Rental Agreement

The rent is charged each year in advance. Any rent paid is not refunded if the contract is terminated. Box rental includes receiving parcels for up to 20 packages that do not fit into the mailbox per month. Excess packages are billed with an overrun fee. The tenant receives two keys from the mailbox when the contract is concluded. All additional keys must be provided by the tenant himself. If Mail Service com takes or does not commit an act that results in a disruption of service and results in a loss to the applicant, Mail Service`s liability is limited to any rental fees paid by the applicant for the benefit not yet received. Mail Service is not responsible for accidental or subsequent damage. If the contractual terms are seriously violated or if the mailbox is used for illegal purposes, the contract may be terminated with immediate effect. Delays in payment are considered a significant breach of contract. The Norge station sets the price and the terms of payment of the rent. Special prices are set for companies that have multiple mailbox users.

Price changes are announced with a delay of at least one – 1 month. The owner of a digital courier is responsible for all service charges accumulated beyond the current planning agreement. The contract is terminated with the death of the tenant or the liquidation of the business. The mail addressed to the mailbox after the termination of the contract is forwarded to a new address if a change of address has been registered and in accordance with an agreement relating to the deviation. If there is no record of a change of address/agreement regarding the deviation, the contribution is returned to the sender. The tenant can terminate the contract with one month`s notice. I believe that my tenants are my « clients, » and I don`t think it`s appropriate for my clients to know where I live. Even if you run your rental business from an office in your home, the mailbox can be used for all broadcast correspondences, as stated as stated as such in your rental agreements. Changes to the agreement, such as .

B a new billing address and changes made to mailbox users must be reported to the post office where the post office is located or to Posten Norge`s after-sales service team. Digital e-mail processing services are described separately and complement this agreement.
