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Service Accountability Agreement Lhin

The Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (M-SAA) is our funding agreement with the North East Local Health Integration Network (NE LHIN). NE LHIN is our main funder and this document generally covers a three-year funding period. – Please note that this data may differ from agreements with other LHIN and these are the current scheduled dates that can be adjusted during the fall/winter. LHIN and the ministry negotiate and sign accountability agreements (MLAAs) that define the obligations and responsibilities of LHIN and the department over a specified period of time. See left below to access the current MLAA. Caps/HAPS approved by SRI and LAPS on the Long-Term Care Home portal in for Toronto Central LHIN to establish agreements. (HSPs are required to manage their own internal licensing procedures; from the end of our operations today, we will assume that the last submission has received internal authorizations). The « Central East » and « Department » agreement defines the responsibility between the Minister and the LHIN for the Middle East, specifies the tasks and responsibilities of the Minister, the President, the Deputy Minister, the CEO and the Board of Directors, and sets out expectations for operational, administrative, financial, human, audit and reporting agreements. The M-SAA agreement can be accessed via this link to the NE LHIN website: Draft CAPS and HAPS must be presented sri and LAPS projects on the long term care home portal on for the Toronto LHIN Central Review. Ontarios Local Health Integration Networks (LHNs) is required under the Local Health Services Integration Act of 2006 to negotiate a Service Accounting Agreement (SAA) for each health service provider (HSP) they fund. LHIN works annually with suppliers from all sectors to produce SAAS. Planning Submissions (CAPS/HAPS) in the Self Reporting Initiative (SRI) and (LAPS) on the Long-Term Care Home Portal at – Your organization may be required to adjust these dates for internal planning and board meeting schedules.

We accept all appropriate adjustments. The following programming dates should be considered the « ultimate possible » dates for submissions, as applications will be considered earlier. Deadline for the conclusion of LHIN negotiations with the NHPs to review planning requests and negotiate the proposed H-M-SAA objectives and content for the schedules.
