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Sponsoring Lir Agreement

7.5 Without prejudice to the termination under Article 7.4, LIR sponsorship is entitled: terminate the contract with immediate effect by notifying the legacy holder by recommended letter, without paying damages to the legacy holder and without prejudice to the right of the LIR sponsorship to demand (additional) damages from the legacy holder if: if the NCC RIPE has not been notified before termination and if the end user has already entered into a new contractual agreement with a Other LIR sponsorship, this new LIR sponsorship must inform the NCC RIPE and submit the new contract they have signed with the end user. The NCC RIPE will notify the current sponsorship of this change. If the previous LIR objects to the termination of its contract with the end user, the NCC RIPE will only accept the LIR sponsorship contract, which provides a confirmation signed by the end user. This confirmation clearly states that the end user has terminated or has not terminated the contract with the former LIR sponsorship. If the LIR sponsor has terminated its RESEP NCC Standard Service Agreement, the NCC RIPE sends a notification to the end-user`s contact email addresses within 10 business days of notification, as shown in the corresponding object in the RIPE database, and invites the end user to sign a new contractual agreement with another sponsorship LIR or with the NLC. 7.6 The contract automatically expires on the day of the bankruptcy of the LIR sponsorship, the liquidation of the LIR sponsorship or the termination of the standard service contract between the LIR sponsor and the NCC RIPE. Resources without a valid sponsorship contract must be returned to RIPE. 4.1 Both parties recognize and respect the applicability of the RIPE guidelines and RIPE NCC procedure documents relating to Legacy Internet resources. RIPE rules and RIPE NCC procedural documents are available to the public on the RIPE Document Store. These documents, which can be reviewed and updated from time to time, are an integral part of this agreement and fully apply to this agreement.
