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Karachi Agreement (Azad Kashmir)

S.K. Sinha said Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru had briefed the Indian delegation ahead of the Karachi meeting, informing them that the UN resolution recognized the legality of Kashmir`s accession to India and that, therefore, any « no man`s land » would belong to India. The Pakistani delegation should provide the UN Commission with evidence of the de facto positions of its control over the entire territory they claim. Sinha said that, based on this principle, the agreement delineated several hundred square kilometers of territory on the Indian side, while there were no Indian troops in that area. [5] The 830-kilometer ceasefire line set by the agreement began at a southernmost point of the Chenab River in Jammu. It took place in an approximate arc to the north, then northeast to the coordination of the NJ9842 maps, about 19 km north of the Shyok River. [6] « We reject all aspects (of the agreement), the whole Karachi agreement. Today, the circumstances are totally different from those of the time when the agreement was signed and if the Pakistani government is really serious about solving the problems of these two regions (Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan), it should abolish the two councils of Azad-Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan and bring them together to form an appropriate representation of both regions. « Maqsood said. According to Christopher Snedden, the agreement was very favorable to Pakistan and deprived the Azad Kashmiri of important powers and responsibilities.

[3] The Karachi Agreement of 1949 was essentially formulated by Islamabad to ratify Pakistan`s administrative control over the region, without consulting a shareholder in the region. Since then, Pakistan has committed the worst forms of humanitarian crimes against the people of PAH and Gilgit Baltistan. When Pakistan took control of this region, instead of giving people their basic political, social, democratic and national rights, they declared the name of the region as a northern area. This region was removed from our school curriculum and was added to Pakistani, and a narrative was set up for the Pakistani people, who added this region to Pakistan and that this is not even related to reality at all. The people of the AJK and Gilgit Baltistan are now calling for the immediate abolition of the agreement, with all the rights granted to citizens in letter and spirit. Indeed, the whole Karachi agreement. Today, the circumstances are totally different from those at the time of signing the agreement and, if the Pakistani government is really serious about solving the problems of these two regions (Azad-Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan), it should abolish all the laws relating to Azad-Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan and combine them into a single entity representing both regions. The people of AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan have suffered decades of discrimination and persecution on the basis of distorted policies and agreements formulated by Islamabad. There has been massive social and economic devastation in the region by state-subsidized machines. It is high time that Pakistan took note of the growing resentment of the people of the region before it turned into something irresponsible. Christopher Snedden says the Azad Kashmir government and the Muslim Conference accepted the deal because they wanted Azad Kashmir to join Pakistan, which they were expecting soon with the promised referendum.

According to him, this relationship resembled that of Pakistan with its other provinces. [6] With regard to the loss of Gilgit-Baltistan, Snedden Sardar accepted Sardar Ibrahim`s argument that Azad Kashmir`s physical ties with Gilgit-Baltistan were weak. . . .
